CATIA Magic Products

CATIA Magic Products

What is the difference between CATIA Magic Cyber Systems and Magic Collaboration Studio?

Magic Cyber Systems Engineer is the actual MBSE software tool. This is required and recommended to have 4+ model contributors. Some benefits of having multiple model contributors are as follows:

  • Diverse Expertise
  • Improved Model Quality
  • Enhanced Creativity and Innovation
  • Efficient Workload Distribution
  • Continuous Learning and Skill Development
  • Increased Stakeholder Engagement
  • Improved Communication and Coordination

Magic Collaboration Studio includes Teamwork Cloud and Cameo Collaborator. This is highly recommended to facilitate collaboration, communication, and transparency. Essentially this allows more than one individual to simultaneously work in the model and view all modifications (similar to Sharepoint). The documentation for each is below:

Magic Collaboration Studio

Teamwork Cloud

Cameo Collaborator

Cameo EA/SM Installation

1. With lmgrd, store the license key file in the same exact location as your cameo.exe vendor daemon file

2. Make sure the cameo.exe vendor daemon is of the same version as your lmgrd server manager.

3. Launch lmtools

4. Choose to use "configuration using services" 

5. Configure your service to point to your lmgrd and license key file

Magic Cyber Systems Engineer

Flexnet Server Troubleshooting

1. Check compatibility of FlexNet version with Client version. See FlexNet license server installation and licensing (

2. Ensure vendor daemon cameo.exe not located is in the correct location. See Installing FlexNet license server 11.12, 11.14, 11.16 (

Magic Collaboration Studio (MCS)

Before installing Teamwork Cloud (TWC), do the following:

Teamwork Cloud Server on Linux (recommended deployment)

Teamwork Cloud Server on Windows

Teamwork Cloud Migration​​​​​​​

1. Ensure ports are available

2. Ensure firewall is not blocking

Technical Q&A

Q: What services should be running for TWC installation?


Cassandra - database 

LMadmin - Flexnet service that runs the license server

TWCloud - hosts the service that the modeling clients connect to, and is the service that talks to Cassandra to store the data into the database

Webapp - web interface that systems admins and users log into to interact with twcloud using a browser

Zookeeper - scans and sees what other services are running and keeps a list of services that it detects. Our code uses that list. This will be used more as we move to container deployments at large customers that want instant automatic scalability. But in a non- docker deployment if zookeper is not running the webapp page will be an empty white page and webapp logs will be clean.

Q: What diagnostic commands are used to check if services are running?

A: Check if service is running: Linux – systemctl status <service name> ex: systemctl status twcloud – the output will tail the log file last few lines.

Connect via a web browser to do a check:

  • https://<servername or ip address>:8443/webapp  - this would mean webapp and twloud service are running,  but if failed to login and you know the credentials are correct, then it could be one of the other services and have to start to investigate each service.
  • https://<servername or ip>: 8111 – this checks the REST API. Which normally means twcloud service is running correctly
  • https://<servername or ipadress>: 8443 – this attempts to connect to tomcat which is what webapp service is running inside of on the server. If you do not see tomcat that indicates that webapp has an issue and check the webapp log files.

Q: Where are the log files located?

A: Please see the following documentation:

Q: How do I use the command line API to extract data from a Cameo model?

A: Use the following command parameters:

project=<project name> server=<server host name/ip> username=<user login name> password=<user password> encryptPassword=true 

Please see the following for further documentation.

Q: Is a 2 Cassandra node setup supported?

A: Yes, this is possible. Please see the following for further documentation.

Q: How do I edit the binaries in the .mdzip files for Cameo without using Cameo?

A: Save the .mdzip file as a .zip file, you can then extract the binaries and use Matlab to edit the files.

Q: Why is MagicDraw not working on my Mac?

A: Confirm the correct version of Java is being used:

For Ventura v 13.2.1 there is a hotfix available. Please see the link below for installation instructions.

Q: Is there MagicDraw/Cameo backward compatibility with DOORS?

A: Yes, using the DataHub plugin.

Q: When a Simulink model is imported in Cameo, what type of diagram is used to represent/translate in Cameo?

A: This depends on the intended use of the Simulink file in the model, but options are a block definition diagram (bdd), internal block diagram (ibd), or parametric diagram (par). See the following link for further information:,Parametric%20diagram%20of%20the%20project

Q: What are the capabilities of the Cameo simulation toolkit for behavior/functional diagrams?

A: SysML behavior diagrams include activity, sequence, state machine, and parametric diagrams. There is an incredibly large amount of information for each and can be found here:

Q: What are the capabilities of the Cameo simulation toolkit for parametric diagrams?

A: The ParaMagic plugin complements the simulation toolkit for parametric diagrams. See the following link for details:  

Q: What types of engineering/performance analysis can be automated with Cameo?

A: Currently, the Cameo System Safety and Reliability Analyzer plug-in supports risk analysis. See the following for more information:

Q: What types of systems can be modeled using MBSE?

A: Any system can be modeled in an MBSE environment.

Q: Does MagicDraw implement complex value types or do we have to define our own as a subtype of a primitive type?

A: Although the existing model profiles have value types, customization is most likely required for complex data in the form of subtypes. The profile contains basic value types such as “Integer” and “Boolean”.  Basic units such as “Hertz” and “meters” are also included in the library. See the following link for more details regarding Value Types:

Q: Can UML2 models be imported into Cameo?

A: Yes, Cameo supports SysML, UML, UPDM, UAF, BPMN and more. See the following for more information: 

Q: Is a dedicated hardware Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) required - or can CATIA Magic products run on virtualized machines?

A: Yes, they can run on VMs.

Q: Are CATIA Magic products compatible with Windows 11.

A: Yes.

Q: Does Cameo have to be installed on the license server?

A: No, it can be pulled onto the local installation from the server. See See here Obtaining a floating license for a modeling tool ( for additional details.

Q: Is a dedicated hardware Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) required - or can CATIA Magic products run on virtualized machines?

A: This software can run on VMs.

Q: Does 3DExperience have any features or connectivity with Cameo/Magicdraw application that is also developed by Dassault?

A: There’s an indirect connection via Process Composer. Teamwork Cloud is being integrated onto the platform at an unspecified time.

Q: Can I add and commit models built with Cameo 2021x to TWC 2022x?

A: No, the version of Cameo and TWC must be the same. TWC is version specific so to use TWC 2022x, all models would need to be built in Cameo 2022x or converted to Cameo 2022x. See the TWC Compatibility table​​​​​​​ for further information.

Q: How do you recommend integrating Jira and Cameo products?


  • Integrating Jira with Cameo involves setting up a connection between the two systems to facilitate information exchange. Although there is no direct out-of-the-box integration between Jira and Cameo, you can establish a connection using various approaches, such as using Jira's REST API and Cameo's customization capabilities. Here's a high-level overview of the process:
  • Determine integration requirements: Define the specific integration goals you want to achieve between Jira and Cameo. For example, you may want to synchronize issue tracking, link Jira issues to Cameo model elements, or update Jira issues based on changes in Cameo models.
  • Set up Jira REST API: Jira provides a RESTful API that allows you to interact with Jira programmatically. Familiarize yourself with Jira's API documentation to understand how to authenticate, retrieve, and update Jira issues using REST API calls.
  • Customize Cameo: Cameo, being a modeling tool, provides customization capabilities through scripting or plugins. Determine the customization options available in Cameo, such as scripting in Cameo's integrated development environment (IDE) or leveraging Cameo's Java API.
  • Establish communication: Use the Jira REST API in Cameo's customization environment to establish communication between the two systems. This can involve writing scripts or plugins that interact with Jira's API to perform actions such as creating or updating Jira issues based on changes in Cameo models.
  • Define synchronization logic: Determine the logic and rules for synchronizing information between Jira and Cameo. This includes deciding which data should be synchronized, the trigger conditions for synchronization, and handling conflicts or errors that may occur during the process.
  • Implement integration: Implement the integration logic based on your defined requirements and synchronization rules. Write scripts or plugins in Cameo to handle the synchronization process, ensuring that data flows smoothly between the two systems.
  • Test and iterate: Thoroughly test the integration to ensure its functionality and reliability. Validate that changes made in one system are properly reflected in the other. Iterate on the integration as needed to address any issues or enhance the synchronization process.
  • The OSLC connector for Jira may also fit your needs and can be found here:

Q: How do I apply stereotypes and label classes as "abstract" using the Cameo API?


Java example:

import com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.Application;
import com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.classes.mdkernel.*;

public class StereotypeExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Get the instance of the active project
        Project project = Application.getInstance().getProject();

        // Get the package containing the classes
        PackageableElement packageElement = project.getPrimaryModel();

        // Create a class
        Class classElement = packageElement.createOwnedClass("MyClass", false);

        // Apply a stereotype to the class
        Stereotype stereotype = project.getProfile().getOwnedStereotype("<<MyStereotype>>");
        if (stereotype != null) {
            StereotypesHelper.addStereotype(classElement, stereotype);

        // Label the class as abstract

Must have defined a stereotype named "MyStereotype" in a profile.

The code retrieves the active project, creates a class named "MyClass" within the primary model package, applies the "MyStereotype" stereotype to the class, and labels it as abstract using the `setIsAbstract(true)` method.

Q: How does Cameo integrate with Solidworks?


Export the Solidworks model: Save your Solidworks model in a compatible file format such as STEP or IGES. These formats are commonly supported by Cameo.

Import the Solidworks model into Cameo: Open Cameo and import the Solidworks model file into your project. You can typically do this by selecting the "Import" option from the file menu and navigating to the location where your Solidworks file is saved.

Define the model's properties: Once the Solidworks model is imported, you may need to define properties such as material, weight, or manufacturing information to accurately represent the model in Cameo. This can typically be done by selecting the imported model and modifying its properties in the Cameo interface.

Customize the model in Cameo: Depending on your requirements, you can further customize and manipulate the imported Solidworks model in Cameo. This can involve adding additional components, modifying sizes or shapes, or integrating the model into a larger system or assembly within Cameo.

Analyze and simulate the model: Use Cameo's analysis and simulation tools to perform various tests and evaluations on the Solidworks model. This can include stress analysis, motion studies, or even virtual prototyping.

Export data back to Solidworks (if necessary): Once you have completed your analysis or simulations in Cameo, you can export the results or derived data back to Solidworks if needed. This can be done by saving the modified model in a compatible format and then importing it back into Solidworks.

Q: How does Cameo integrate with Altium?


Q: How does MBSE software integrate with Matlab/Simulink?


Q: How does MBSE software integrate with IBM DOORS?


Q: Is the upgrade from 2021x to 2022x cost anything?

A: No, it is free as long as ALC is up to date.

Q: Is there a difference between the functionality of an evaluation license and a purchased license?

A: No. There may be an additional plugin that has not been requested.

Q: Can we sell the now unsupported Magic Licenses? 

A: The trigrams are now CA (controlled availability), so we would face a lot of barriers to selling them more No Magic trigrams. DS would essentially push to get the customer to buy from the CATIA Magic portfolio. You can certainly make a business case, which we would then send to the approvers. 

Additional Resources